Transform your screen into an
art gallery with curated wallpapers

Designed by artists, handpicked for you
You deserve more than just browsing
Discover wallpapers effortlessly with our smart search mechanism that personalizes your feed.

Find the perfect wallpapers with our intuitive search tool
Filter through categories, colors, and styles to search content that perfectly matches your personality.

Get a special set of wallpapers curated by us and artists
For a flat rate, you can subscribe to Panels+ and personalize your device with stunning collections of artworks that tell a complete story.

Experience the charm of browsing a classic bookstore
Our discovery feature helps you find new wallpapers with ease, without feeling overwhelmed or wasting time scrolling.

See a feed that reflects your tastes
The app learns from you to provide custom recommendations based on your activity and the people you follow.
Become a featured artist
We partner with some of the best creators in the space.
Are you one of them?

Simpler and more exclusive than searching online

Support for artists
More than simply promoting artists, we ensure their work is appreciated by paying them fairly.
Forever license
Downloaded wallpapers are all yours. Once you purchase or download an artwork, you’ll never have to worry about losing it.
Device compatibility
Our wallpapers are optimized for a range of devices, eliminating the guesswork and ensuring they look great on any device.

Fresh and
exclusive content
We regularly add exclusive wallpapers from a growing community of new and established artists to keep your screen vibrant and unique.

Pixel perfect
Forget pixelated and low-quality images downloaded online. Our high-resolution wallpapers ensure your screen looks sharp and stunning every time.
For everyone
Enjoy premium wallpapers even without a subscription. You can choose from a variety of free pieces or explore our exclusive content available for purchase and subscription.
Not sure what you’re looking for?
Try searching:
Not sure what you’re looking for?
Try searching:
Blue and abstract

Surrealist illustration

Nature pattern

Black-and-white photography

How it works

Install the app
Download from the Apple App and Google Play Store.

Explore or get suggestions
Browse an art gallery at your finger tips.

Choose your artwork
Access free options, buy a collection, or subscribe to Panels+ for full access and more.

Upgrade your screen
Set the wallpaper and enjoy!
Things you are
probably wondering
Our app features an intuitive search tool that allows you to filter wallpapers by categories, colors, and styles. Additionally, our discovery feature helps you explore new wallpapers effortlessly.
We regularly update our collection with new wallpapers and artists to keep the content fresh and engaging. You can enable notifications to stay updated on the latest additions.
Getting Panels+ gives you full access to collections, full-resolution wallpapers, and an ad-free experience.